türkiye cumhuriyeti kimlik numarası

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türkiye cumhuriyeti kimlik numarası
turkish republic identification number
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Phonetic: "[ɹɪˈpʌblɪk]"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A state where sovereignty rests with the people or their representatives, rather than with a monarch or emperor; a country with no monarchy.

Example: The United States is a republic; the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy.

Definition: A state, which may or may not be a monarchy, in which the executive and legislative branches of government are separate.

Definition: One of the subdivisions constituting Russia. See oblast.

Example: The Republic of Udmurtia is west of the Permian Oblast.

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Phonetic: "/aɪˌdɛntɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The act of identifying, or proving to be the same.

Example: Much education and experience is required for proper identification of bird species

Definition: The state of being identified.

Definition: A particular instance of identifying something.

Example: information necessary to make a good identification

Definition: A document or documents serving as evidence of a person's identity.

Example: The authorities asked for his identification

Definition: A feeling of support, sympathy, understanding or belonging towards somebody or something.

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Phonetic: "/ˈnʌmbə/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: An abstract entity used to describe quantity.

Example: Zero, one, −1, 2.5, and pi are all numbers.

Definition: A numeral: a symbol for a non-negative integer.

Example: The number 8 is usually made with a single stroke.

Definition: An element of one of several sets: natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers, and sometimes extensions such as hypercomplex numbers, etc.

Example: The equation e^{ipi}+1=0 includes the most important numbers: 1, 0, pi, i, and e.

Definition: (Followed by a numeral; used attributively) Indicating the position of something in a list or sequence. Abbreviations: No or No., no or no. (in each case, sometimes written with a superscript "o", like Nº or №). The symbol "#" is also used in this manner.

Example: Horse number 5 won the race.

Definition: Quantity.

Example: Any number of people can be reading from a given repository at a time.

Definition: A sequence of digits and letters used to register people, automobiles, and various other items.

Example: Her passport number is C01X864TN.

Definition: A telephone number.

Definition: (grammar) Of a word or phrase, the state of being singular, dual or plural, shown by inflection.

Example: Adjectives and nouns should agree in gender, number, and case.

Definition: (in the plural) Poetic metres; verses, rhymes.

Definition: A performance; especially, a single song or song and dance routine within a larger show.

Example: For his second number, he sang "The Moon Shines Bright".

Definition: A person.

Definition: An item of clothing, particularly a stylish one.

Definition: A marijuana cigarette, or joint; also, a quantity of marijuana bought form a dealer.

Definition: An issue of a periodical publication.

Example: the latest number of a magazine

Definition: A large amount, in contrast to a smaller amount; numerical preponderance.

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Phonetic: "/ˈnʌmbə/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To label (items) with numbers; to assign numbers to (items).

Example: Number the baskets so that we can find them easily.

Definition: To total or count; to amount to.

Example: I don’t know how many books are in the library, but they must number in the thousands.

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