
Kullanım örnekleri

creamed mushroom sauce
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Phonetic: "/kɹiːmd/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To puree, to blend with a liquifying process.

Example: Cream the vegetables with the olive oil, flour, salt and water mixture.

Definition: To turn a yellowish white colour; to give something the color of cream.

Definition: To obliterate, to defeat decisively.

Example: We creamed the opposing team!

Definition: To ejaculate (used of either gender).

Definition: To ejaculate in (clothing).

Definition: To rub, stir, or beat (butter) into a light creamy consistency.

Definition: To skim, or take off by skimming, as cream.

Definition: To take off the best or choicest part of.

Definition: To furnish with, or as if with, cream.

Definition: To gather or form cream.

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Phonetic: "/ˈmʌʃˌɹuːm/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Any of the fleshy fruiting bodies of fungi typically produced above ground on soil or on their food sources (such as decaying wood).

Example: Some mushrooms are edible and taste good, while others are poisonous and taste foul.

Definition: A fungus producing such fruiting bodies.

Definition: Champignon or Agaricus bisporus, the mushroom species most commonly used in cooking.

Definition: Any of the mushroom-shaped pegs in bar billiards.

Definition: A concrete column with a thickened portion at the top, used to support a slab.

Definition: One who rises suddenly from a low condition in life; an upstart.

Definition: Something that grows very quickly or seems to appear suddenly.

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Phonetic: "/ˈmʌʃˌɹuːm/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To grow quickly to a large size.

Example: The town’s population mushroomed from 10,000 to 110,000 in five years.

Definition: To gather mushrooms.

Example: We used to go mushrooming in the forest every weekend.

Definition: To form the shape of a mushroom.

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Phonetic: "/ˈmʌʃˌɹuːm/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Having characteristics like those of a mushroom, for example in shape or appearance, speed of growth, or texture.

Example: mushroom cloud

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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A liquid (often thickened) condiment or accompaniment to food.

Example: apple sauce; mint sauce

Definition: Tomato sauce (similar to US tomato ketchup), as in:

Example: [meat] pie and [tomato] sauce

Definition: (usually “the”) Alcohol, booze.

Example: Maybe you should lay off the sauce.

Definition: Anabolic steroids.

Definition: A soft crayon for use in stump drawing or in shading with the stump.

Definition: Cheek; impertinence; backtalk; sass.

Definition: (1800s) Vegetables.

Definition: Any garden vegetables eaten with meat.

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Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To add sauce to; to season.

Definition: To cause to relish anything, as if with a sauce; to tickle or gratify, as the palate; to please; to stimulate.

Definition: To make poignant; to give zest, flavour or interest to; to set off; to vary and render attractive.

Definition: To treat with bitter, pert, or tart language; to be impudent or saucy to.

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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The person, place or thing from which something (information, goods, etc.) comes or is acquired.

Example: The accused refused to reveal the source of the illegal drugs she was selling.

Definition: Spring; fountainhead; wellhead; any collection of water on or under the surface of the ground in which a stream originates.

Example: The main sources of the Euphrates River are the Karasu and Murat Rivers.

Definition: A reporter's informant.

Definition: Source code.

Definition: The name of one terminal of a field effect transistor (FET).

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